Friday, April 20, 2007

PayPerPost Acquisition

Now that I have become a regular postie in payperpost, the payperpost gets better and better. The payperpost always comes up with one and other kind of big surprises for the bloggers like me. The 1K tuesday biggest cake in the blogging history has already attracted a lot of bloggers and has been able to drive traffic more than any other protocols.
This time around too payperpost has something for the posties in its bag which will be revealed very soon and I am sure it will be a nice one for sure. I haven't thought of how flexible opportunity would 1K be like, similarly this time too payperpost will bring into light a nice thing. As little as I know payperpost has acquired a company and the company could be anything. I am really bad at guessing and my logic is poor so I don't like stating what the payperpost will be comming up with. But still as my poor logic goes it could be something related to drive traffic. Probably drive traffic could be something which could help our blogs attract more and more traffic but I am not sure about this. Whatever it will be I am sure I will be a very nice one. As the postiecon saving and 1K tuesday the payperpost acquisition will leave posties jaw wide open.