Monday, December 11, 2006

Nepali Education

Schools in our country have been putting students under tremendous pressure. In the name of making students sharp they put textbooks which, those small kids won't be able to put in mind. How can a grade five or six student learn all the pythagorous or mid point theorems. They should be taught only those things which they can learn according to the maturity of their brain. To maintain the high standard of a school students are forced to study higher level's textbooks which is ridicolous. By rubbing a heap of mud won't help it turn into coal. Similarly how can a kid be taught complex subject matters which is just too much for them to cope with.


commoner said...

What are u talking about?Nepali education is really advancing..........when I was in class 8 I got distinction in Sanskrit in district level examination ,the subject which was never taught in our school and which I have never appeared ,but the concerned body never knew this .And my tutors were surprised to find some chapters like Surds and Indices ,some theorems in our text book which they learned in bachlor level during their time.........perhaps these people need to attain seminar on chronological age and mental ages relations.What u say?