Friday, July 8, 2011

Nice Saturday

My weekends never go my way. Last Saturday was an exception as I had an opportunity to indulge myself in things and chores I like. I abandoned an important meeting which is my bad but there were justifiable reasons with me. Then it was my time, the whole day belonged to me. The feeling when she’s online is way out of the world. Eventually that beautiful day ended in a positive way.

This weekend however did not go that bad. Woke up early in the morning, went to Baluatar to have a cup of tea and then straight to Baneshwor for our meeting. There too I stepped into the front line making spot decisions and it really feels good in those moments. According to my plan, I visited a mall to get some movies but that did not happen as the store was closed and this made my day a movie and music less day. In the afternoon however, I went to the stadium to watch a football match. There I met a very good old friend of mine. Me and Sunil Dai we had a great time watching football. Now it’s almost the end of the day, the load shedding is the only factor that annoyed me. For the rest, it was an awesome day but then again the most blissful part hasn’t taken place ie. to have a conversation with HER.