Tuesday, November 16, 2010


One day she return home a bit later than usual. At home, her mom and her brother, both of them are indulged in their own chores after dinner. The mother as always is tensed as she had been scolding her daughter to be home in time when the whole nation is at chaos with political turmoil. Then the daughter arrives. As soon as she stands her bike, she seemed to be sobbing; her mother reached out to her shoulders and asked what had happened.

She cried out louder this time and said that a robber snatched her handbag from her bike. She also said that she hadn’t been feeling well which is why she was riding at a very low speed. The thug on the other hand could have seen the opportunity and was able to make up with her bag. She said that her bag contained her mobile phone, diaries and a couple of thousand rupees bills. The mom started consoling her, after all there was nothing else she could do at the moment.

The brother on the other hand started shouting at her sister for roaming around late. “This wouldn’t have happened if only you came home early” and etcetera were the sentences the brother had been growling. The brother then leaves to his room and heads for the bed. However, he too could not get to sleep, thinking about the felon. He too was really mad at the crook and if in any way he was to encounter the scumbag, he would have chewed him to death.

The rage against the crook was directly reflected back to his own sister. He did not even speak softly to his sister. He was really mad at, god know what. The brother then repents over the incidence, the way he treated his sister. After a long time, he recalls the incidence and writes them in his blog.