Sunday, October 21, 2007

Alternative VS. Heavy Metal

I personally like alternative songs more than heavy metals. Heavy metal songs are all about egoistic lead guitarists playing long solos. The bassist or the drummer has a very little role in heavy metal where as in alternative genre every member of the performing band has equal role. I don’t like a thing about lead guitarist going on an on with their solos. It could be ok if those solos are melodious but they aren’t and those lead guitarists are focused on speed rather than melody. However this doesn’t apply to all the lead guitarist but is applicable to the majority of lead guitarists. Just name a heavy metal band and it’s lead guitarist, every one of them seems to be a virtuoso. There is no single lead guitarist who would atop the list leaving the others. I don’t want to name those lead guitarists because I love some of them and naming them would not be wise of me. So, alternative bands are worth listening with powerful riffs and little solo counters with aggressive lyrics. Long live the alternative bands.