When I am sitting idle on my desk in my office, a young college student who works as a clerk comes up to me and says “Samundraji look at my new hairstyle, I trimmed my hair in a Bekham’s style”. Though not interested in stuffs like that I reply “Hey man, its great and that style suits you well”. I just answered him in this fashion because I don’t want to hurt him in any means. The next day he comes up to me again and wanders around me in his new shirt which has a Harley Davidson print on it. He expects me to say something about his new shirt but I pretend that I have not noticed his shirt. At last he breaks his patience and says “I bought this new shirt only yesterday, is it nice?”. Unwillingly and in a hesitated manner I say, “Wow man, that’s a great shirt, I was thinking of buying one like that”. I can make it out that he’s been chuckling and pretty happy about his shirt. This goes on and one. Even when I am listening to nepali metal songs he comes up to me and says, “Samundra ji, you’re listening to Guns N’ Roses, wow I too like guns n’ roses and I just nod my head indicating yes. Every rock and heavy metal songs should be guns n’ roses to him. Whatever he comes up with to me I admire him Sometimes he puts on a pair of new sneakers and sometimes a new pair of jeans and expects me to comment on his new thing before he tells me. But as I am a tortured man I just say nothing even when I know that he has a new thing with him. I am being slowly and surely being irritated every now and then. I started disliking him in some way. Probably he knew what my regards towards him were, so he has stopped coming to me. Now I really miss those irritations and I am waiting for him to put on something new so that I could start the fire again.
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