Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fumes, Drops

Have anyone of you lost your brother, mother, friend or anyone near or dear to something junk like an alcohol? Or addiction to any other substance ? It’s funny for you if you haven’t, perhaps you don’t understand, it’s a matter of fact for you if you have witnessed it in your neighborhood and its something very bitter feeling if you are a sufferer, how bitter? Perhaps only victims can actually perceive.

Anyone who are into this and no evil happened god grace them and I have no complain towards them as long as they don’t bother anyone but what really makes me hate them is when a drunk mother leaves her starving kids almost forgetting they exist, when a drunk driver claims life of kids on their way to schools or some innocent people, when a baby who even don’t know what it means to breath an external air are gifted by their parents fatal viruses during their intrauterine period, really what a gift! When smokers survive and passive smokers have to pay with their life, when Mr. Drunk can’t hold the brake and an infant have to sacrifice his /her mother. GOD REALLY MUST BE CRAZY, doesn't he know even simple calculations?

Really how it must have felt to be an unwilling participant of an exhibition that your someone drunk gives in society, to realize that your brother sister or anyone who means a lot to you prefers puffs of fumes to you ………….obviously humiliating and heart breaking.

Perhaps problem would not be so much worst if only it was "them " perhaps problem is worst because there’s always “we” really tough to abandon someone we love, however they are, addicted, drunkard or smoker. Perhaps “WE” too are as crazy as God is.

He gave us brain to think and we think with heart. Perhaps someday I can use my brain alone and really hate who deserve so.