Rude Officers
One day I was walking on the street with one hand in my pocket. The time was tensed as the maoists were at the extreme and the surroundings of the palace was highly secured by millitaries. There was an army full epuiped just around the corner. He saw me walking with one hand in my pocket. I was on my own thoughts and suddenly the officer shouted at me very abruptly. I did not understand why, but later he said take your hands off your pocket very harshly. I was so mad at that officer but I had no other choice but to take my hand out of the pocket and walk. I never understood why he had to shout at me so rudely and I never knew that walking with hand in one's pocket had been prohibited. Strange rule. If only I had been under suspicion the officer could have searched my body. There was no room for getting myself shouted at for no reason. This kind of rules always dishearten people. But it is a universal truth that the stronger bullies the weaker and that's the rule.
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