Thursday, May 17, 2007

Oprah Winfrey Show

I happened to see yet another episode of Oprah Winfrey Show today. There were four or five people featured in this episode who really inspired me. Specially the kid named Anthony who survived brutal stabbing from his own father. It was really very touchy and when seeing the boy after that terrible incident which everybody believed that Anthony would not live, literally brought tears in my eyes. That innocent kid hugging Oprah and all those other firefighters and paramedics who were involved in that incident, the 911 operator and everyone else really inspired me. Another was a teacher who had a very strange disease and the way he dealt with his life and finally winning the best teacher’s award was awesome. I really learnt a lot. As always Oprah once again made me shed some tears.

I have posted a number of blogs regarding Oprah and still I can’t stop writing about her and her show. The only program which beholds my attention when I am simply scanning all the channels is Oprah Winfrey Show. Well done Oprah and there is no word of appreciation from me to you. You are simply great as you bring into light all those inspiring true stories.