Monday, May 21, 2007

Bikers Build Off

The TV program in Travel And Living called ‘Bikers Build Off’ is the program that I enjoy the most. It is basically a program where two teams get ten days to build a custom bike and compete for the Bikers Build Off title. The two teams would build a bike within ten days and they would travel to a specific city in the US where they would be greeted by a large number of bike lovers. After reaching that venue all those bikers and people involved in bike making profession would vote for the best bike. After the poll the winner would be announced. The voters however don’t just see the outlook of the bike but the mechanism and engineering as well which makes it tough for those bike builders. This is a good program to watch and it is an entertaining one as well. You can see very nice custom bikes built by those competitors. I wish I could buy one of those custom made bikes which ‘Bikers Build Off’ has produced.