Friday, May 18, 2007

All The Small Things Blink 182’s Video

This music video called “All the small things’ by Blink 182 has been made like the video made by backstreet boys’ song called ‘I want it that way’. It is a nice video as the guys are always and so is their music. The band members arrive at the airport in their own aircraft and there are girls screaming around them. The placard held by a girl reading “I am pregnant” is so hilarious after seeing the backstreet boys’ video. I am not sure if this video is made to offend backstreet boys intentionally. All in all this video is very good and for the rock lovers like me who hate boy bands. Great video and cheers to the man who brought this concept and all those people involved in creating such nice video. As little I know this video won the music video award but I am not sure about it.