Spirit Stallion Of Cimaron
One of my favorite animated movies is Spirit. It is a story of a stallion named Spirit a very stubborn horse. The life of Spirit is very clearly illustrated, from its life as a colt to a time whe
n it grows up to a stallion. Spirit faces so many ups and downs in its life, it has to struggle a lot, it even falls in love, it has to fight a battle against mankind and all these moments are presented in this movie. The background music of that movie is simply superb with Bryan Adams doing the vocal parts. The songs are also composed and performed very nicely with all those orchestras. All in all this is a great animated movie to watch. The concept of those Hollywood movie makers is outstanding as they have put in a story of a horse and the imagination of a horse’s life story is great. Every time I get idle I watch this movie and it refreshes me more than anything as I love comics and cartoons very much.

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