The only person I feel sorry in the whole word is the drummer of “Def Leppard”. This British band has given so many hit songs like “Two Steps Behind”, “Hysteria” and “When Love And Hate Collide” to name a few. The drummer of the band “Rick Allen” met with an accident and had to sacrifice his left hand. After looking for a suitable drummer the band members were totally upset for not getting the right drummer. This created an opportunity for Rick Allen to rejoin the band as the drummer. He has got only one had yet he drums for the band. He has a special kit from playing the drums. Watching Def Leppard”s videos make me feel sorry for Rick Allen as we can see him drumming with his single hand. Wow man how would he play? Couldn’t he have played better if only he had his both hands? That man is awesome and I have learnt a lot from him. One should never give up, adapt the current situation and go ahead, is the theme I got from Rick Allen.
And you feel sorry for him?
Awe and respect would be appropriate...
I'd feel sorry for the guy who loses the hand and gives up, who loses the will to live for he has truly lost everything.
I have to agree with Sarah .
me too i'll have to agree with sarah and sam...... infact i'm feeling sorry for u man ..... well being a handycap i know how it feels when i hear the word sorry from other person's mouth...... it's not sorry that we appreciate it's sympathy, awe and respect that we like cause despite missing some parts we still strive really hard for out existence in this world where many physically fit people gives up and commits suicide......
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