I wonder why a television has been referred as an idiot box. It has become a source of information rather than a mere providing entertainment. Television is a must to every kind and classes of people in this present age. However I admit that you get addicted towards television but it’s up to you. I personally love watching television as it is my one and only thing which helps me escape my loneliness. Watching National Geographic or Discovery and other programs alike makes me a knowledgeable person. I want to excerpt an experience of my own regarding these channels. In our society my elders used to say that if anyone ever sees a snake changing its skin, then he/she would be the luckiest person. Living in a town how could that be possible. But through a television I saw what could make me the luckiest person. Luckiest in the sense does not necessarily mean that they will become rich, will travel to all the parts of the world, live a luxurious life and so on. I saw a snake changing its skin and that is what I saw which most people don’t see and that’s my fortune and thus I am the luckiest person. I also have seen some movies in the movie channels which have inspired me a lot. Especially all those movies related to actual incidents have a great effect on me. And how can one remain isolated from sports. Watching live telecast of sporting events is worth more than anything. It energizes me and activates positive sides in me. The news channels are undoubtedly the best. Apart from these realities people still consider a television as an idiot box. I am the exception and say “No, television is not an idiot box but the most brilliant gadget in the universe, it will remain the best until the world exists.”
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