Maria Sharapova
Russia is such a place which generates so many beautiful tennis players. Anna Kournikova was the first of them all whom I knew. The looks she had is awesome. She is really very beautiful. After that the recent player who is in the spotlight is Maria Sharapova. I had
seen her very first grand slam title victory. As soon as she won the title she took out her cell and started talking. This was her first grand slam I guess. I don’t remember who was playing on the other half of the court against her. Unlike Kournikova, Maria is not just beautiful but she has a good game too. I have seen her losing the final of grand slams to Justin several times yet she is a good tennis player. Currently she is the number one seeded player succeeding Kim Clistzer. It is not necessary to describe her physical beauty but I can resist without talking about her game. She is the best to me. There are so many beautiful tennis players from Russia. Elena Dimienitva is also one of them. But for me Maria Sharapova stands tall among all including the rest of the players form other nations as well.
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