Monday, March 26, 2007


People always believe in astrology. How can it be true? I don’t believe a thing about reading astrology and things like that. If anyone can turn their fate by studying the astrology then the world would be a heaven and not a hell. The world in fact is a hell. The thing I know regarding astrology goes this way. In the Nepolean’s era, Nepolean went to an astrologer and asked him about the length of his life by showing his palm. The palm reader after reading all the marks came to a conclusion that Nepolean had a very short life and is soon dying. Nepolean then asked the palm reader to see his own palm and say how long his life is. After watching his own palm he said that he had a long life. Immediately Nepolean took out a gun and shot him dead. So now do you believe in astrology? Another related context in this regard is a story that I read in my textbook back in my early college days. The narrator was taken to an astrologer by his mother in his early childhood. The astrologer after finishing his rituals said that the narrator is going to be a very successful, wealthy and renowned person and would travel to many big cities of the world and live a luxurious life. All these things turned out to be untrue. So astrology is not trustworthy and its just a waste of time and mind. As negative prospects you receive from an astrologer depresses you and it will literally kill you even if you had been happy for years. The positive prospects never come to be true.


Michael A. S. said...

That's a good one about Napoleon, Samundra. I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep posting!

Michael Setyaputra