Thursday, February 15, 2007


The world’s best and highly preferred beverage or refreshment is tea. It is a non-alcoholic, simple, pure and refreshing hot drink. Every possible nepali starts off the day with a cup of tea It can go with anything like snacks, lunch or even dinner sometimes. People are generally welcomed by a cup of tea in our Nepalese society. Tea is the simplest, most affordable drink. Easy to prepare though it also has got a lot of flavors like black tea which is without milk, salty tea which is usually consumed by sugar patients, ghee tea which is a tradition of the people of the Himalayas, lemon tea and ginger tea to name a few. At times too much consumption of tea might cause a health hazard but as we know too much potion can be poisonous so tea can also be regarded as a hygienic drink however people suffering from gastric flu should not practice the habit of drinking tea. Coffee is the only option for those who are not into drinking tea yet tea is the best. Tea is also one of the leading cash crops in a place like ours where more than fifty percent of the total population is engaged in agriculture. It is exported to many foreign countries which possibly hold a strong portion of the export goods from Nepal. Tea grows in the hilly sides which need more chill than other cultivable plants and a lot of irrigation. Illam is the main place for cultivating and producing tea which lies in the eastern most part of Nepal. Probably no analysis can be done as to find how much tea is consumed in a day in the world. It is good or even the best of all beverages so why not go and enjoy it.


commoner said...

Its sad man do a little bit of investigation before u write something,No member of my family starts day with tea but that should not bother u nor to me where I want to contradict is when you say tea is the best beverage ,untill there is pure water u cant state this and ya 'green tea 'comes to the list of best healthy beverages but u never mentioned greentea in ur whole text and if u are really practicing tea with meal then its my suggestion stop it for' healths sake'