Britney has gone insane. However it won’t be fair to judge her an insane just because of her new bald head. Long hair is an asset of a woman. She has completely removed her hair from her head which is nasty I guess. Trying new things, changing themselves is good but a lady that too a big celebrity with a bald head is indigestible. As far as the newspapers and websites write, Britney is totally disturbed right now, but what had her hair got to do with it anyway. Publicity could be the main reason behind this bald Britney’s head and she probably loves paparazzi running round and after her. Sometimes she appears nude in her pregnancy and now she is bald. A lot or wild things have been tried out be her. She is beautiful, talented and why would she have to do such crazy thing to draw attention. I have watched her movie “Crossroad” since then I had been her fan until recently she shoved her head. Her voice is beautiful and I love the song “I am not a girl” from the same movie among other good ones. This is a cheap trick to gain attention in my perspective. Whatever a Hollywood celebrity does it’s a scandal and she probably wanted to get into that cheap scandal and get herself publicized. There may be more of her in the future to look upon I guess.
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